Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition

- Base pressure 10-7 torr.
- 4 materials in-situ
- Mechanical masks
- Temperature range: RT to 500 C

- Base pressure 10-8 torr.
- 4 materials in-situ
- Temperature range: – 130 to 1000 C
- Wedge (variable thickness)
Electron Beam PVD: Materials
Elemental Metals
Au, Ag, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Al, Ti, Nb, etc
Magnetic compounds
BCoFe, Permalloy, Supermalloy
Non-metallic compounds
FeF, Terfenol-D
Au, Ag, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Al, Ti, Nb, etc
Magnetic compounds
BCoFe, Permalloy, Supermalloy
Non-metallic compounds
FeF, Terfenol-D
Magnetron Sputtering
- 8 sputtering guns, including a confocal cluster with three guns
- Ar and O2 gas mix for oxide growth
- 2 DC and 1 RF power source

Magnetron Sputtering: Materials
- VOx – Grown from V2O3 target, Tunable oxidation state
- Metals
- Other oxides (Fe3O4, etc)
- Doping and alloy growth (using the cluster)
Inorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
- 3 Knudsen cells
- 2 e-beam PVD
- 10-11 torr base pressure
- Ultra pure growth
- Temperature range: cryogenic to 1000 C

Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
- 10-10 torr base pressure
- 1 Knudsen cell + 2 e-beam guns
- 4 Knudsen cells (phthalocyanine)
- Mechanical masks and manipulator for in-situ device fabrication

Bulk Synthesis
- Glove box in Ar atmosphere
- Ovens with variable gas flow (up to 1100 C in O2, Ar, N2, Ar/H)
- Press up to 100 MPa
- Ball mill

Clean Room (in-lab)
- Spinner/etc for resist preparation
- UV lithography (mask aligner)
- HF/other etch processes

Electric transport – Closed Cycle Cryostats
- Cold finger/vacuum cryostats
- Up to 1 Tesla field
- Optical windows
- T range 10 K to 400 K
- DC electric measurements

Dynacool PPMS
- Transport/VSM
- T range: 1.6 to 400 K, transport to 1000 C
- H range: – 9 to 9 T
- Hydrostatic pressure measurements (transport) up to 3 GPa

Magnetism – Magnetic Field Modulated Microwave Spectroscopy (MFMMS)
- Modified EPR for ultrasensative EM phase transition search
- Superconducting transition sensitivity 10-12 cm3
- T range: 4K to 300 K. H range: -100 Oe to 10000 Oe
- X-band EPR and FMR

X-ray Diffractometry
- Rotating anode (Bruker) and tube (Rigaku) X-ray sources
- Bruker: 6 axis goniometer, RT to above 100 C
- Rigaku: 4 axis goniometry, 110 K to RT

Cryo nanoMoke 3
- Unique system integrating NanoMoke 3 (DMO) with C2 Cryostat (MI) with following specs:
- Sensitivity: 10^(−10) emu
- Temperature Range: 4-370 K
- Magnetic Field: 0.5 T
- Tempurature Sweep Rate: 0.1-0.5 K/min
- Magnetic DC Sweep Rate: 500 Oe/s
- Laser Spot Size: 3µm
Lakeshore TTPX probe station
Keithley 6221 current source
Keithley 2182A nanovoltmeter
Gas Evolution System
- Gas evolution system:
- Annealing furnace with gas pressure monitoring capabilities
- Base pressure: 10-7 torr
- T range: RT to 1000C
- P control: 10-7 torr to 1000 torr
- RGA measurement
- TPD measurement
- Diverse growth and characterization capabilities
- We are in process of acquiring high frequency measurement system
- Interested in collaborations
- Unique growth
- Unique characterization