Metallo-Phthalocyanines (MPc) form a family of planar organic molecules with a metal ion (or 2 hydrogen atoms) at its center. These molecules are thermally and chemically stable. It was found that metal phthalocyanines have diverse properties, which include optical properties (photoconductivity, dyes, photosensitizers in photodynamic cancer therapy), and electronic properties (gas, pressure, humidity sensors, photovoltaic applications, and electroluminescence devices)[1-4].

While these classes of materials have been investigated for a long time, unprecedented control of their structure, electrical and magnetic properties have been recently accomplished using the Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy (OMBE) available in our lab. The advance of thin film deposition of organics (OMBE) allows a control of the structural quantities, such as film thickness, grain size, and molecule orientation with respect to the substrate. For example, two parameters to control the structure of phthalocyanines are the substrate temperature during deposition and the type of substrate the phthalocyanine is sublimed onto (see Figure 1(b) and 1(c)). The resulting film morphology often impacts the electronic properties [5]. We are using high-resolution x-ray diffraction combined with quantitative refinement calculations to determine the precise orientation and stacking alignments of phthalocyanine molecules in thin films [6, 7].

The electronic properties of these organic semiconductors are explored for different geometric configurations, which include: sandwich (perpendicular current) [8], b) interdigitated electrodes (parallel current) [9], and c) organic field effect transistors (OFET). We find that chemical sensors (ChemFETs) for thin films have a superior chemical sensitivity than thicker films. The chemical response to various analytes (methanol, DMMP, H2O2, nitrobenzene, etc) is measured in a flow system with precise temperature and flow concentration control [10-13].

Metallo-phthalocyanines (MPc), which incorporate many metal ions such as Fe, Cu, Co, Ni, H2 and Zn have been grown in our lab using OMBE and based on extensive studies we have been able to control their orientation and structure by appropriate choice of substrate and growth conditions [14, 15]. In contrast to commonly studied MPc powders, in thin films the structure and orientation of the M chains can be precisely tuned and controlled. This capability has opened up the possibility to study novel studies of low dimensional magnetism in MPc [5]. Magnetic characterizations, including MOKE, X-ray MCD and SQUID measurements, identified two temperature regimes, above and below ~4.5 K. The regimes are distinguished by short-range (paramagnetic) and long range (ferromagnetic) order due to intra and inter-iron-chain interactions.

Figure 4. MPc thin film stacking on a supporting surface. (a) Standing configuration and (b) lying configuration. (c) Hysteresis loop of the FePc film deposited on Au covered sapphire measured at T=1.8 K in the direction perpendicular (Mz) and parallel (Mxy) to the substrate.
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11. Bohrer, F.I., et al., Comparative Gas Sensing in Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, and Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Chemiresistors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009. 131(2): p. 478-485.
12. Park, J., et al., Ambient induced degradation and chemically activated recovery in copper phthalocyanine thin film transistors. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009. 106(3): p. 034505.
13. Yang, R.D., et al., Analyte chemisorption and sensing on n- and p-channel copper phthalocyanine thin-film transistors. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009. 130(16): p. 164703.
14. Serrano, A., et al., Effect of x-ray irradiation on Co-phthalocyanine thin films studied by surface plasmon resonance. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016. 49(12): p. 125503.
15. Bartolomé, J., et al., Quadrupolar XMCD at the Fe $K$-edge in Fe phthalocyanine film on Au: Insight into the magnetic ground state. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(22): p. 220401.